Monday, October 27, 2014

A Night For The Initiation

      I was crossing on that pedestrian lane and met those eyes, when I realized she checked me from head to toe and obviously criticizing me. From that moment as I stayed in the area where the guard usually stays, I suddenly felt like my confidence was about to drop. I was wondering if my dress was too fancy for them to react like that and it made me regret why I wore this thing. But then again I regained my positive aura and I thought I won’t care for as long as I’m presentable and decent. As I walked on my way through the court where the party would be held, the colorful “bandiritas” was hanged all over the place and it suited the theme for the party which was Pista sa Nayon.

       The event started with the opening remarks of our emcees and eventually we had our very first game which was finding people whom I have a similar blood type for example and other categories. Then we played open the basket that added as a factor which made the atmosphere more lively. After that, everybody agreed to have our dinner because our tummies are grumbling already. I immediately stood up and went to the dining table where I was surprised that it would be a boodle fight. I haven’t yet experienced boodle fight not until that night and it was actually more kind of like exciting and fun. My mouth watered as I saw the pancit beside the rice and in the middle were the chicken, chopped lechon and lumpia. Done eating, everyone was expecting ice cream because it wouldn't be absent during fiestas and indeed there came the ice cream and we lined for it.

       I was so excited for the upcoming games and I was in the fuchsia pink team. First game was the “Longest Line” and my teammates were so fired up for it and because of our determination we won the game. The next game was called “Mary Went to Town” and it was a game wherein two baskets with ping pong balls were put in your arms, the other hand would be holding the fan and the other hand was an umbrella and your two knees would be holding the paper plate to hinder you from walking faster than usual. Excitement was present and the crowd were cheering for their own teams but then again our team won. After the series of games we had presentations from the four year levels were then followed. The place was filled with music and our Ates and Kuyas were singing their songs to entertain us. We freshmen had a different way of presenting and it was more of like an UPSTAGE performance. Fun and laughter filled the ambience because of our humorous presentation that we prepared.

       Silence found its way through the mood of the party when the speaker talked with a serious voice asking why we were a psychology student. Nobody from the freshmen dared to answer that simple yet impressive question. Being a psychology student is not just about having gone through the enrollment stage and passing the UPCAT it’s about us being able to understand people because that is our primary role. He gave us the challenge in which our membership on our association depends on it and if we fail we won’t be able to join the group. That moment gave me the chills because I saw a higher year bringing an arnis stick and the first thing that came onto my mind was hazing. But that nerve-wracking imagination of mine was not the thing that happened but it was a memorable challenge that proves how we can solve the problems when we act as one and when we unite. The challenge we faced in order to be an UPPSYMA member will remain as a secret for it to be memorable among us freshies who went through that fascinating experience.

Bon Appétit

     It was a Monday but I wasn't excited at all. As I woke up it’s just like an ordinary day but then they greeted me a happy birthday and I thanked them. I don’t feel like it was my birthday at all and I can’t feel the worth of my existence. I felt blue but then I would constantly tell myself that God had already written my future and I believe I have a purpose in living to this world. Well, too much for dramas I was just sharing how I felt that day but seriously I’m going to share and narrate how I celebrated my birthday on a Saturday with my high school best friends.
     It was my treat and I told them not to expect much and my money was just so-so that we could eat stuff. I arrived early at SM and waited for them at the theater lobby, I was texting my first friend Chrislee whom that would most likely to arrive first because my other friend Shayne is always late and we got used to it. Chrislee and I went inside the theater to watch a free Korean movie, as the movie goes people burst into laughter in every single humorous scene because indeed it was really funny and the title was ‘My Paparotti’. It was about a gangster who wanted to be an opera singer. At the peak of the movie Shayne was calling already and asking our location and that’s when we got out and came to her.

     Starving as you would exaggerate our stomach I say demanded that we better eat now. I asked them where would we eat because I’m not an expert when it comes to restaurants and the likes. We decided to go to BonChon and the chicken there was tasty. Soon after, we craved for desserts so we went to Leona’s Cakes and Pastries and we ate chocolate cheesecake and chocolate mousse cake. After that, since SM was starting to close we went to Starbucks and bought some frappes and shared how we were dealing our college life and recalled some good memories back from high school.

     After enjoying the food trip we had even though we went to only a few places I still enjoyed the moments and the post birthday celebration we had for my birthday. Another page has been added in the book of my memories and it was a remarkable one. It was a happy and simple one even though my one of my friend Fely wasn't there to celebrate with us. I hope our friendship will go stronger as we go through our own journey. It lifted my mood and I eventually took back what I said that my birthday was ordinary instead, it was a special and a remarkable one. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


        It seems nostalgic when me a “probinsyana” and my friends talk about where our provinces are.  How the sun bids farewell as the moon and the twinkling stars replace the sky, mountains full of trees and plants that makes it green and how my grandparents and my aunt would smile if we were there, all of that is what I think of when it comes to my province. Usually the word “probinsyana” is linked when you talk about provinces. You call someone a “probinsyana” if she went or lived from a province. I am a proud “probinsyana” because I had experienced a lot of things in our province together with the people whom I care most.

        Back when I was still a baby my parents were busy with their jobs that they couldn't take care of us. Me and my younger sister was given to my aunt and my grandparents so that we’ll be taken care of because they can’t  due to their work. I can still remember that I was once a crybaby and my aunt would tell me that back then whenever I cry my face would be red and even though there were no tears left I’d still cry and shout. Then she told me that there was one time that my father couldn’t handle my tantrum he carried me up and he was like going to throw me out of the window. Well I thank them for their time, patience, effort to raise an extraordinary child like me. All  I can say is that it was a blessing having them by my side and received love that was enough for me to feel loved and important.

        Growing in a province gave me a lot of memories to treasure. I can remember at my young age helping my grandmother buy vetsin for her vegetable soup and how she thanked me for that. I also used to look for coconut shell and collect them to bargain and the coins that I received will be given to m my grandmother and that made her glad. I remember the simple things for survival like cooking with the use of firewood and getting directly the ingredients from nature. I remember the time when I used my barefoot to dig a small burrow for the seeds of the corn and then burry it with soil again, that was my first time planting corn and I felt happy. Even though these things were simple it was fulfilling to because knowing that in a place you can survive and live longer because nature blessed us with the abundance of our basic needs.

        These people and place builds me and molded me for what I have become today. The simple experiences I had when I was staying there was memorable and it hit a great impact to me. Even though life there was plain it made me realize that life can be filled with happiness without doing something complicated, doing simple things can already make you happy even if others would criticize you. Life in the province was quiet but you won’t feel lonely as long as there are people there who embraces you. Being a “probinsyana” is a thing that is essential for someone like me because there is always that place you are welcome to whenever.